
Hamptworth Golf

at Hamptworth

Croquet is a game which is stimulating, competitive and fun

Welcome to Hamptworth Croquet Club

Hamptworth is a warm and friendly club and we welcome new members, guests and visitors.

Croquet is an exciting game of skill, tactics and concentration. It is played by all ages and is one of the few sports played between men and women on equal terms.   At Hamptworth we play Association Croquet (AC) and Golf Croquet (GC), both in accordance with the rules of the Croquet Association.

Hamptworth is very fortunate to have five croquet lawns. There is also a spectator pavilion overlooking the lawns. As well as Club competitions, we host Southern Federation and National tournaments and from time to time, International tournaments.

Provisional dates and fixtures for Winter 2020 to Autumn 2020.

Please confirm details with the Committee for confirmation of individual events.


Club Committee Members

Chair                               Steve Bennett                 07912 608733

Treasurer                       Ken Donnelly                  07867 515312

Club Secretary               Jan Bennett                     07860 604721

Lawns  Manager           Chris Weedon                 07732 706443

Social Secretary            Sheena Griffiths             01794 830540

AC Liaison                     Chris Weedon                  07732 706443

GC Captain                    Janet Trueman                07714 186585

Tournament Co-ordinator Richard Jenkins

Telephone: 01722 325410 / 07967 032836

New Members

Anyone wishing to join the Club should contact one of the Committee.

A mallet can be borrowed. The Club has a selection of mallets of differing weights and heights to suit your build.

The dress code is generally very informal. Players tend to wear whites for tournament competitions but otherwise the stress is on keeping warm, (or cool), dry and comfortable. The only essential requirement is to wear a pair of flat shoes (to avoid lawn damage)

The current individual Annual subscription is £295 for a full year’s play and this includes full use of the Clubhouse facilities. (The subscription for the first year of membership, for those who are new to Hamptworth is £80 and the second year is £195.) 

Clubhouse opening hours are seasonally variable and are advertised on the notice boards. Croquet subscription is for use of the lawns and Clubhouse.  Croquet members can pay separately to use the tennis courts, gym, and golf course.

Unlike many other Croquet Clubs, at Hamptworth we play throughout the year; (1st April to 31st March.) There is also a Winter membership available from 1st October to 31st March - subscription is £150.

Prospective members ie. people who are new to croquet and Hamptworth, should contact a current member to introduce them to croquet. They can play at no charge, on a trial basis, up to 3 times before being asked to join.


Members can sign in any number of guests for £5 per session, but the same person can only be a guest up to 3 times in any one year (1 June to 31 May), irrespective of which member signs them in. Members must sign in guests in the Croquet Guest Book placed in the entrance lobby of the Club. The payment of £5 per guest can be made in the Reception/Shop or at the Bar or to the Croquet Club Treasurer.

Members can play as often as they like informally and at Club mix-in or handicap sessions which are as follows:-

Monday afternoon – GC Doubles (start 2.00pm Summer / 1.00pm Winter)

Tuesday evening during Summer AC and GC (5.30pm)

Wednesday afternoon – AC (start 2.00pm Summer / 1.00pm Winter)

Thursday morning – AC and GC singles handicap play (10am Summer / 10.30am Winter)

At other times members can book a lawn in the Croquet Diary located in the Clubhouse Lobby (excluding some Tournament and match days).

Lawn Maintenance may prevent access to lawns and this must always take precedence.   

In-house Competitions

Each Summer, a knock-out tournament is run for AC Handicap Singles (the Ken Smith Trophy), AC Handicap Doubles, GC Handicap Singles, GC Handicap Doubles and GC level Singles. Run by the Captains, these are a good way to play your first competition. Members should check the Croquet Diary for lawn availability, before arranging tournament matches and ensure that matches are booked in the diary.


Hamptworth Croquet Club hosts many tournaments throughout the year. The dates are displayed on the Croquet notice boards in the Clubhouse and Pavilion and noted in the Diary. These show how many lawns are available for general use. You may wish to enter or spectate. Richard Jenkins is the Tournament Co-ordinator.


New players of both AC and GC will be given appropriate handicaps and Green Handicap cards by the Club Handicappers; David Cooper and Richard Jenkins are the Club GC Handicappers. Richard Dickson is the AC Handicapper. Each Club member records the results of official games on their cards, which are those singles games played in tournaments, club knock-outs or some Thursday morning mix-ins. Any experienced Club member will be happy to explain the handicapping system. Informal Club  ‘Yellow’ handicap cards are used at all Mix-Ins.


Coaching is available free to Club members, by arrangement with Richard Stevens or Richard Jenkins.

Lawn repairers

New members will be shown how to repair damage to the lawn. Lawn repairers should be carried when playing and returned to the Pavilion after the game.

If you have any queries please contact any member of the committee.

We look forward to seeing you on the lawns.

Something for everyone at Hamptworth - see Upcoming Events page for more details

Places to stay

When booking your event at Hamptworth Golf & Country Club we can recommend several places nearby to stay, please visit our places to stay page to find out more.

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